wisconsin conservation congress

2024 Wisconsin Conservation Congress

2024 Wisconsin Conservation Congress

The Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Annual Spring Hearing gives members of the public the opportunity to provide input on a variety of questions. We encourage you to take the time to fill out the survey—many of the questions impact ecosystems and wildlife both locally and throughout the state.

Photo by Grayson Smith/USFWS Midwest

Time to log on to the Conservation Congress Spring Hearing

The Wisconsin Conservation Congress is taking public input between 7pm on April 11 through 7pm on April 14 (Central Time).

I just followed my own advice and completed the vote (or survey, as the DNR and Conservation Congress prefer to call it). I plowed through every question including all the ones submitted in Dane County. Some of these are important issues and Madison Audubon has provided some voting recommendations below. I hope they're helpful but please vote regardless of whether you agree with all of them.

Photo by Monica Hall

Spring's almost here and so are the Hearings

The official start to spring is just days away, and thank goodness for it. With the change of seasons come the glorious sounds of Sandhill Cranes, the freeing temperatures above freezing, and the promise of garden bounty around the corner.

It also signals the Wisconsin Conservation Congress Spring Hearing, a long-time traditionin Wisconsin that allows citizen across the state to weigh in on really important conservation issues. Your votes in the hearing signal to the DNR Board what the public wants, though the results are non-binding. The hearing will be virtual again this year running from April 11-14.

Photo by Mick Thompson