Q: What do you call the bird at the front of the “V” formation?
The one that’s working hard and making flight more efficient for the flock?

Become a leader in local bird and land conservation.

Join the Conservation Leaders Donor Recognition Circle.

A flock of birds flies in a “V”, or chevron, formation (photo via Pixabay).

Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (SoWBA)’s Conservation Leaders Donor Recognition Circle celebrates a group of dedicated supporters of local bird and land conservation who make our work possible.

With annual gifts of $1,000 or more, Conservation Leaders provide essential lift and support to local bird conservation and keep SoWBA soaring.

In addition to standard SoWBA member benefits, as a Conservation Leader, you will receive invitations to:

  • special small group wildlife experiences, such as bird banding, bird releases, and more

  • annual guided bird walk at a SoWBA sanctuary with Executive Director Matt Reetz and sanctuary staff

  • Conservation Leaders event with Executive Director Matt Reetz and SoWBA board members

Become a Conservation Leader

You can become a SoWBA Conservation Leader by making your generous donation online. If you prefer to discuss your giving by phone, please call Becky Abel at 608-255-2473 x5.

Special thanks to our 2025 Conservation Leaders:

Anonymous (4)
Amy Alstad
James Alstad
Henry Anderson
Birgit and Tom Bach
Gale Barber
Caroline Beckett and Frank Sandner
Robert and Gerry Bennicoff
Bonnie Benson
Dale Beske and Dorothy Gertsch
Lisa and Ed Binkley
Terri Bleck and Patricia Hanson
Steve Bower
Laura Bowles and Neil McLaughlin
Judy Brandt
Kathie Brock
Willis Brown and Photina Ree
Ann and Dick Burgess
Curt and Arlys Caslavka
Doug and Sherry Caves
Pat and Angel Clark
Dick and Jane Dana
Susan Denholm
Neal Deunk
Cal and Ruth Dewitt
Patrick and Lloyd Eagan
Marty and Terry Evanson
John and Karin Exo
Martha Fish and Paul Fuchs
Kevin Freson
Kay Gabriel and Fiona McTavish
Steve Glass
Alice and John Grady
Molly and Mark Griffin
Karen Grimmer

David Gunnulson
Galen and Grace Hasler
Pamela Heaney
Megan Heneke and Patrick Hill
R. Tod Highsmith
Les and Susan Hoffman
Norma Hove
Dave Huffman
John and Judith Hutchinson
Karen Jaeschke
Maggie Jones and David Linton
David Kelso
Melissa Kesling
Nydia Kien
Dorothy Klinefelter
Jeff and Arlene Koziol
Jeff Kuesel
Max Lagally
Roma Lenehan
Lisa Lepeak and Robin Wagner
Kenneth Livermore
Kathleen and Tom Luedtke
Colleen Marsden and Holly Anderson
Mark Martin and Susan Foote-Martin
William and Rebecca Martin
Sandra Mason
Jean and Walter Meanwell
Stacey and Walter Meanwell
Rose Meinholz
David Musolf and Roger Packard
Meg Nelson and David Steinkraus
Clare Nichols
Tim and Maddie Norris
James and Rumi O’Brien
Larry and Mary Ellen O’Brien

Jefren Olsen and Kathy Rasmussen
Mary Pautz
Sylvia Peterson
Pamela Ploetz and John Henderson
Kathleen and Robert Poi
Robert Pricer
Nancy Rebholz
Lydia Reid
David Rihn and Valerie Bailey-Rihn
Robert and Nancy Rudd
Doris Rusch
Ann Schedel
Alyson Schmeisser
Mary and Jeff Schmoeger
Donna Sereda and Jay DeNovo
Penny and Gary Shackelford
Jim and Kathy Shurts
James and Janice Spredemann
Sandy Stark
Lynn and John Stephani
Kathie and Larry Svabek
Deborah and Pat Turski
Lila Waldman
Patrick Walsh
Mary Washburn
Scott Weber and Muffy Barrett
Lynne and Peter Weil
Mareda Weiss
Topf Wells and Sally Probasco
Jan Westemeier
Greg Wilhelm
Sally Wilmeth and Terry Geurkink
Tom Wolfe and Pat Powers
Levi and Janet Wood
Jim Young


Cover image: flock of Whimbrels flying in a chevron formation over Lake Michigan (photo by Arlene Koziol).