GIFT MEMBERSHIP: Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance


GIFT MEMBERSHIP: Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

from $20.00

Give the bird lover in your life a unique and wonderful surprise: an annual membership to Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (formerly Madison Audubon)! Their membership will give them get early access to classes and trips, exclusive access to amazing special events, our quarterly print newsletter, and the knowledge that they are part of the bigger birding community in Wisconsin.

If you’d like, you can download a notice to print and share with your gift recipient here.



Because the resources you donate stay close to home, helping with habitat preservation and education in southern Wisconsin. National Audubon and SoWBA are two separate organizations. By supporting your local Audubon chapter (that’s us!), you are supporting local birds, local communities, and local habitats. Thank you!


  • Paper mailing of our quarterly newsletter

  • Increased access to field trips and member experiences

  • First news about local events

  • The satisfaction that your membership fees directly benefit SoWBA initiatives

Local memberships are managed through our office in Madison, Wisconsin and require an annual renewal. Any donation of $20 or more directly to Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance will renew your membership for one year!

Note: Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance LOCAL MEMBERS are not considered National Audubon members and will not receive National Audubon's magazine or mailings.


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