Explore how grassland birds make nesting in the prairie a beautiful yet dangerous part of life...

Northern harrier chicks. Photo by Carolyn Byers

Northern harrier chicks. Photo by Carolyn Byers

Grassland birds lead hidden lives under the thick cover of prairie plants. What does this ground-level existence look like? What does it take to get a new brood of young to fledge and survive?

Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance’s education director Carolyn Byers will open your eyes to the world of grassland birds and their nesting ecology through our new series, Into the Nest. Regular posts with short essays, photos, and nest camera videos will reveal the advantages, challenges, coziness, and dangers of nesting in the prairie, and how you can help these fascinating and vulnerable birds.

Don't miss any of the Into the Nest posts, all listed below from newest to oldest (so early season starts at the bottom of the page).


Posts are listed from newest to oldest (so early season starts at the bottom of the page).

Banner photo: Upland sandpiper nest and eggs, photo by Carolyn Byers