Frequently asked questions about membership

We’re so glad you’ve asked! Click on the question to read the answer.

  • The biggest benefit of your membership is the knowledge that you are directly supporting local birds and their habitats. This is huge! Wisconsin’s birds need your support. You will also receive increased access to classes and special events, along with four issues of our newsletter each year, keeping you up-to-date on the latest in local bird conservation.

  • You can become a member by donating annually ($35 minimum) or monthly ($5/month minimum) as a Frequent Flyer

    We have several membership levels to choose from. Becoming a Flappy Friend provides membership benefits for one individual, while becoming a Flappy Family or above provides membership benefits for up to two adults and any children (under age 18) in the same household.

    Membership Levels + Annual Dues:
    Flappy Friend—$35
    Flappy Family—$60
    Bird Lover—$100
    Dollar-a-Day Bird Lover—$365
    Bird Fanatic—$500
    Conservation Leader—$1,000

    If you would like to become a member, but the cost is more than you can afford, please fill out this form. Complimentary memberships are available to make membership accessible for everyone in our community. Complimentary memberships are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please let us know soon if you would like to join the flock through this avenue.

  • Before the increase, our membership price was the same as it was in 1985. Our organization has been able to achieve so much for birds, thanks in large part to the generosity of our members, but the fact is, the work we do (and the cost of doing it) has increased dramatically since then. In the past few years alone, our sanctuary lands have expanded immensely, creating more permanently protected habitat for wildlife and more places for people to enjoy nature. We’re also providing members with new ways to learn and connect with fellow bird lovers—we now offer more classes, events, free field trips, and volunteer opportunities than ever before.

  • Your annual membership expires one year from the date of your membership payment. If you are a Frequent Flyer, your membership remains active as long as you continue making your monthly payments. We’ll send you reminders when your membership is about to expire, so you can easily stay active.

  • Renewing is easy! You can renew online, call 608-255-BIRD, or mail a check (payable to Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance) to 211 S. Paterson St. #340, Madison, WI 53703.

    Please note: National Audubon members must renew their memberships through National Audubon.

  • Yes! Gift memberships are a great way to connect a fellow bird lover with our organization. To give a gift membership, click here. They’ll receive a year of membership, thanks to you!

  • We are a member-based organization, so the primary way to support our work is to become a member and renew your membership annually. Donations are gifts given in addition to your annual membership dues. If you’d like to give only once a year, membership is the way to go.

  • We do not offer membership cards to save money and resources. This way, more of your membership dues can go directly to local bird conservation.


Local memberships v. National Audubon memberships

  • Yes! Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance is a chapter of National Audubon, but we are entirely separate organizations with different funding, staff, sanctuaries, programs, and communications. Learn more about our separate, distinct nonprofit organizations here.

  • Well. . . sort of! As a member of National Audubon, you’ll get our newsletter so you can read about the great work our chapter is doing in southern Wisconsin. But your National Audubon membership dues contribute very little (about $3) to local bird conservation. You also don’t receive all of the same membership benefits (like early access to classes and special events) as our local members.

    National Audubon members also must manage their memberships through National Audubon. Our local members (who give to SoWBA directly) are protecting birds right here in southern Wisconsin. Every dollar of local membership dues goes directly to local bird conservation, and membership is managed through our local office (608-255-BIRD or


Any other questions about membership?

Contact Liz Pelton, membership & development associate, at

Cover image: Tundra Swans in flight by Arlene Koziol.