Our members and supporters have the ability to inspire change and influence the future for our birds, communities, and natural spaces. 

Supporting policies that benefit bird and wildlife habitat is a major objective of Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance or SoWBA (formerly called Madison Audubon). As such, we seek to explore and recommend appropriate advocacy policy. Through formalization of advocacy partnerships, we are better able to form alliances that advance the mission and conservation targets of our organization.

SoWBA members can expect clear communication from our organization about advocacy issues that affect our natural world in south-central Wisconsin. View our action alerts and news updates on Bird & Nature Blog focused on Advocacy essays to learn more about issues that effect you and your community. 

Want to make a tangible difference? You can be an active agent for wildlife by participating in citizen science projects and volunteering with us to restore critical wildlife habitat or share a joy for nature within our communities.

*Visit HERE to learn more about the legal challenge to Madison’s bird-safe glass ordinance.


Advocacy-related blog posts

Banner photo: Native Indian grass on a cool autumn day at Faville Grove Sanctuary. Photo by Emily Meier.