Greater Prairie Chicken (photo by USFWS Midwest).
Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance supports ecologically-responsible renewable energy solutions that reduce carbon emissions and increase equitable access to clean energy. The wellbeing and sustainability of our society, wildlife habitats, and native species depend on it. We also believe that these projects must be sited and operated in a manner that minimizes impacts to the very wildlife and natural areas threatened by climate change.
You may have heard about the proposed large-scale solar energy energy project in the Buena Vista Wildlife Area (near Stevens Point). This Important Bird Area provides critical habitat for one of Wisconsin’s dwindling but beloved species, the Greater Prairie-Chicken. You have an opportunity to weigh in on this matter by Friday, June 14.
Our partners, the Wisconsin Society of Ornithology (read their letter here) and Wisconsin’s Green Fire (read their post here), have examined this issue thoroughly and provided clarity for anyone interested in learning more.
Before this project is approved, we agree that it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the project’s cumulative effects on this state-threatened bird, which is not currently addressed in the Wisconsin DNR's draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, alongside many other organizations, will be submitting letters to the WDNR urging them to include that information in the DEIS.
By Friday, June 14, please join us in urging the Wisconsin DNR to pursue a cumulative effects analysis on how the project will affect the prairie-chicken population and identify mitigation efforts that may be necessary in the DEIS.
As WSO outlines in their letter, there are three ways to submit comments. All comments should reference PSC Docket # 9820-CE-100.
Email comments to
Mail comments to: Anna Edmunds, Environmental Review Coordinator, Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 7854. Madison, WI 53707-7854
Submit comments electronically here (or using the button above).