When this latest polar blast has you safely and warmly inside, click on this link and tell the DNR how you think wildlife should be managed.
Photo courtesy of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
When this latest polar blast has you safely and warmly inside, click on this link and tell the DNR how you think wildlife should be managed.
Photo courtesy of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Northern Wisconsin's cherished public forests—the national, state, and county forests—resulted from government action. That was the first Golden Age of Public Lands in Wisconsin. Like many Golden Ages (the Golden Age of the Roman Empire, the Golden Age of the European empires) greed and suffering formed the foundation of the age. I think the legacy of Wisconsin's public lands is much more positive than the effects of some of those other epochs.
Photo by Arlene Koziol
Waiting for me this week was one of the coolest and most handsome Wisconsin waterfowl, a Hooded Merganser, aka the hoodie. This was a drake in his full plumage with his magnificent crest. He was socializing with a small group of Mallards but the connection did not last. They flew and he fished, more on that in a bit
Photo by Mick Thompson
The Wisconsin Legislative Council has created a study committee focused on addressing the agricultural impact of cranes in our state. The study committee has met twice so far, and SoWBA staff have attended both as members of the public.
Photo by Arlene Koziol