lincoln elementary

The best day of the year redux

The best day of the year redux

Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance and the Southern Wisconsin Chapter of Trout Unlimited, with the vital assistance of the Wisconsin DNR and Dane County Parks, held our annual field trip for the 4th graders of Madison's Lincoln Elementary School during the last few days of the school year. I just hope the kids had as much fun and learned as much as the adults lucky enough to accompany them on this trip.

We traveled to Dane County's Falk/Wells Wildlife Area on the Sugar River with three missions: help a prairie, see some cool fish, and have fun. Missions Accomplished.

Photo by Mickenzee Okon / SoWBA

Teacher, Teacher, Teach Me Love

Teacher, Teacher, Teach Me Love

One of the underestimated joys of human existence is watching great teachers at work and today I saw two of the best: Josie Guiney, a 4th grade teacher at Madison's Lincoln School and MAS's very own Carolyn Byers. The occasion was "the-worst-of-COVID-might-be-beyond-us" renewal of the annual field trip for those 4th graders to Dane County's Basco Unit of the Sugar River Wildlife Area. The kids spend a couple of hours learning about prairies and rivers and then accomplished some good conservation deeds.

Photo by Carolyn Byers / Madison Audubon