prairie chicken

Wisconsin’s prairie-chickens need you today

You may have heard about the proposed large-scale solar energy energy project in the Buena Vista Wildlife Area (near Stevens Point). This Important Bird Area provides critical habitat for one of Wisconsin’s dwindling but beloved species, the Greater Prairie-Chicken. You have an opportunity to weigh in on this matter by Friday, June 14.

Photo by USFWS Midwest

Summer, habitat, and Prairie Chickens

"Sumer is icumen in/ Lhude sing cucco" — for those of us with some British ancestry, that's the start of a song our ancestors would greet the summer in the 13th Century. It's charming, important to musicologists, and vaguely familiar to folks who remember Chaucer from their survey of English lit course. We in Madison Audubon would probably agree that the start of summer and any celebration thereof should include birds. Surprisingly, mercifully, and thankfully, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Board probably agrees.

Photo by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren

Wisconsin's favorite lovebirds need our help

For this Valentine's Day, let's send some love and help to an iconic species, whose rituals de l'amour have delighted Wisconsin birders for decades: the Greater Prairie Chicken.

Photo by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren