Migratory Birds & Birdathon

It's Birdathon season!

Madison Audubon's 2021 Birdathon teams:
All About Aves and the Reckless Wrens

Happy World Migratory Bird Day! On this day, all around the globe, people are celebrating migratory birds. How many colorful migrants have you seen today? To celebrate the amazing migratory birds we love, and raise funds and awareness for their well-being, we are happy to announce two Madison Audubon Great Wisconsin Birdathon teams!

The funds we raise during our Birdathon will be shared between Madison Audubon and the Natural Resources Foundation’s Bird Protection Fund.

Join in the fun with a contribution to one or both of our teams:

Marsh Wren photo by Mick Thompson

Marsh Wren photo by Mick Thompson

Reckless Wrens

The Goose Pond staff and volunteers who make up the Reckless Wrens (Mark Martin, Sue Foote-Martin, Graham Steinhauer, JD Arnston, Jim and Kathy Shurts, and the new summer interns) will hit the hills on May 14 at 5:00pm and bird through 4:59pm the next day. They're hoping to find 100 species of birds, including shorebirds, owls, woodcocks, snipe, whip-poor-wills, and warblers.

Dickcissel by Monica Hall

Dickcissel by Monica Hall

All About Aves

Our office staff (Matt Reetz, Becky Abel, Carolyn Byers, Brenna Marsicek, and John Minnich) areAll About Aves! On May 20th, we will hit up our favorite birding spots in search of at least 125 diverse and beautiful bird species. Tune in to our Facebook and Instagram accounts all day for stories and updates. We'll also be discussing the challenges birds face and sharing ways that you can help.

Support birds this spring!

Enjoy the weekend, and yay birds!
Brenna Marsicek, director of communications and outreach
Madison Audubon

Cover photo by Kelly Colgan Azar