Join us this fall at Faville Grove!

It’s been a hectic summer at Faville Grove with lots of neat wildlife sightings and tons of brilliant wildflowers, as always. Canadian wildfire haze and drought have settled in from time to time, but plants keep blooming and birds keep moving; asters, goldenrods, and goldfinches are making their mark as summer fades.

Join us for weekly seed collecting beginning September 8th through the end of October. Our meeting point is the kiosk on Prairie Lane every Wednesday from 9:30-noon, and for two separate work parties every Saturday from 9:30-noon and 1:30-4pm. We need all of the help we can get!


Our fall field trip is scheduled for September 26th at 9:30am, don’t forget to RSVP here. We will walk through the fall prairies and enjoy the colors, textures, and blooming asters, goldenrods, and gentians.

As the seasons change, free to visit at any time, there are mowed trails and firebreaks throughout the sanctuary. Stroll down Prairie Lane, or hike over by Buddy's and up to the Kettle Pond—there have been tons of bluebirds delighting in the black cherry crop on the lane back there.

Hope to see you soon!

Written by Drew Harry, Faville Grove Sanctuary land steward.
Photos: August sunlight shines through the trees at Kettle Pond (cover); and a blue-sky day at Helga’s Prairie (above).