We are now the Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

common redpoll perched on a branch

Tonight, many of our members came together to successfully and officially vote on our new amended name. 

We are now the
Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

When the discussions around a new name began over three years ago, we knew the process would fully be guided by input from our members, strongest supporters, and partners. Every time we’ve asked, you have shared feedback, suggested name ideas, and motivated us along this path to find a new, and better, name to ensure the future of our crucial conservation work—thank you for your dedication and patience through this process.

Through this successful name change to Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (SoWBA), our members have: 

  • Established a name that represents what we do (bird conservation and collaboration), and where we do it (10 counties in southern Wisconsin and well beyond).  

  • Moved our organization forward in our ability to focus entirely on birds, land, conservation, community, and kids. 

Both of these are important and wonderful steps to take, and on behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, I sincerely thank you.

You can learn more about our new name and process here. It will take us some time to transition everything over to our new name, so you will notice those changes over the next few months. 

We look forward to celebrating birds and nature with you soon!

Matt Fortney, President of the Board
Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

Cover image: Common Redpoll (photo by Monica Hall).