
Let's get ready to RUMBLE!

Earlier this month, as we snowbirds and many other types of birds, were beginning to think about migrating back north, I ventured out to a local park with my camera to see what I could find. I decided to concentrate on a large group of Northern Cardinals that were flying and chasing each other. As I focused in on their activity, I saw two females land on the ground right in front of me and started to stare each other down. Their intensity was palpable.

Photo by Terri Bleck

Into the Nest: Home, home on the range

Into the Nest: Home, home on the range

Territories are used for a variety of activities, and their size can vary dramatically depending on their function. A territory held by a colonial seabird may only be large enough for the bird’s nest, and all other activities would take place outside of the territory. Territories may be used only for mating displays. Other birds may hold territories large enough to encompass all of the resources they will need throughout the season. They may be carefully defended year round, or held only for part of the year. Birds typically exclude only their own species from their territory, but may work to defend it from other species too.

Photo by Joshua Mayer