sit spots

Earth Day Birding

Welcome back to the Entryway to Birding blog! After some colder temps last week, things are starting to trend warmer and it’s really feeling like spring. Spring peepers have been peeping, new blooms are coming up, and exciting birds are making some pit stops in Madison as they travel through during spring migration.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve started to lose track of time. Several weeks have gone by since COVID-19 sparked a complete upheaval of our daily routines. It’s hard to believe all the adjustments Wisconsinites have made in such a short amount of time (which simultaneously feels like an eternity)! Our social distancing efforts are paying off, though, and it’s important that we continue to hold our course and limit our contact with others as much as we can, for the benefit of everyone.

There’s an important day coming up, though, that I don’t want us to forget about in the midst of our strange reality. A day that is perhaps feeling more important to us that ever—Earth Day.

Photo by Caitlyn Schuchhardt