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“Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude” by Ross Gay
March-April 2022 Featured Book
Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Gay
About the book: “Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude is a sustained meditation on that which goes away—loved ones, the seasons, the earth as we know it—that tries to find solace in the processes of the garden and the orchard. That is, this is a book that studies the wisdom of the garden and orchard, those places where all—death, sorrow, loss—is converted into what might, with patience, nourish us.” Learn more on the Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude website.
Why Carolyn picked this book to feature:
This pick is a little different for us. Ross Gay doesn’t write specifically about nature like a lot of the other authors we’ve chosen. Instead, he weaves nature into his writings about everyday life.
In this collection of poems, Ross Gay shares stories that are desperately sad alongside those that are peaceful, beautiful, and joyful. He reminds us that the world is composed of both light and dark. And that even though the heavy things demand our attention, our thoughts, and our actions, we can still choose to give the light the attention it deserves too. Something we all need right now, as spring is unfolding after two years of pandemic, and as we think of people around the world who are suffering.
Quote we love:
“A goldfinch kissing
a sunflower
again and again
dangling upside down
by its tiny claws
steadying itself by snapping open
like an old-timey fan
its wings . . .
. . .
was making me blush,
and rock up on my tippy-toes,
and just barely purse my lips
with what I realize now
was being, simply, glad,
with suck love,
if we let it,
makes us feel.”
From “Wedding Poem”, pg 80-81
Other Resources:
Ross Gay’s website: https://www.rossgay.net/about
Ross Gay reads from his The Book of Delights: https://youtu.be/HcLEwL4WQnc
Interview with Ross Gay on The Book of Delights, PBS Books: https://youtu.be/hcxJZhF8u84
Ross Gay reads "Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude". Please note there is profanity in the text and reading.
Bookshelf Artwork by Green Sparrow Arts