Winter behavior of Canada Geese

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In her book Slow Birding, evolutionary biologist Joan E. Strassmann introduces the reader to the pleasures of birding close to home. Slow birders learn about the birds that they may see on a regular basis, building their knowledge of them slowly through repeated observations. Readers of my features may recall that I have previously alluded to this practice of observing by slowing down (including in my recent article on Gadwalls and another about sparrows from 2023).

Canada Geese are year-round residents at Fair Meadows Sanctuary, and they are excellent subjects for a slow birder. A modest number of Canada Geese consistently overwinter at the sanctuary. They are hardy birds, able to withstand harsh winters as long as they have access to open water and food. Smaller groupings of Canada Geese are usually made up of family units. The geese often loaf on the frozen surface of ponds and feed in nearby open water, if available. Early morning and evening hours are preferred feeding times. They usually roost on open water at night. 

A male Canada Goose drives off an intruder while his mate looks on (photo by Gary Shackelford).

Like most species of geese, Canada Geese mate for life. Some pair bonds are apparent even in winter. The few mated pairs of adults that are usually present in family groups are readily recognizable; they stay together nearly constantly. The male is larger than his mate, which he dominates. In late winter, their behavior becomes more restless. They begin to exhibit a number of display postures, most of which involve motions of the head or neck. Threat or aggressive displays by the male include folded-neck or extended-neck postures with head lowered and pointed at an opponent, sometimes preceding a direct attack. 

A characteristic behavior pattern known as the Triumph Ceremony occurs when partners meet after a time of separation or after the male has driven off an intruder, with mutual head waving and honking, opening of the bill, and protrusion of the tongue. A typical female behavior pattern is facing away and assuming a submissive posture in response to the honking male, but she may also either ignore or walk away from the male. According to Birds of the World, “Triumph Ceremony [is] a central behavior in Canada Goose social organization, as it secures family and pair bonds, the dominant units in a complex social organization. Triumph Ceremonies increase in frequency during spring, but subside once pairs disperse to nesting territories.”

As daylight lengthens and the cold grip of winter lessens, spring bird migration is already underway. But a gift of the winter months has been the opportunity for me to observe and document some fascinating behavior of Canada Geese through slow birding.

Written by Gary Shackelford, Fair Meadows Sanctuary resident manager
Cover image by Gary Shackelford. Canada Geese on an icy pond during a winter snowstorm, probably a family group.