rough-legged hawk

Raptors with transmitters (March 2025 update)

Raptors with transmitters (March 2025 update)

In this feature, we share updates on species from three raptor projects. Thanks to everyone involved with this research, including the donors that generously funded the transmitters and the researchers.

Photo by Monica Hall

The Rough-legged Hawk Project

The Rough-legged Hawk Project

Neil Paprocki, PhD candidate at the University of Idaho and part of the Rough-legged Hawk Project, returned to Wisconsin again in 2022 to attach transmitters sponsored by Sue Kaehler, Kelly Centofanti, and Madison Audubon to more hawks.

Photo by Neil Paprocki

Dorothy the Rough-legged Hawk

Dorothy the Rough-legged Hawk

Neil Paprocki, PhD student at the University of Idaho, is gathering data for a project called Differential Migration in North American Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus). Almost 150 Rough-legs have been outfitted with GPS backpack transmitters since 2014.

Photo by Neil Paprocki