The White-breasted Nuthatch is a jovial little bird. The industrious nuthatch uses its sharp bill to “hatch” seed out of nuts, and pry insects and seeds from branches every which way.
These four once-fuzzy, gray Northern Harrier chicks left their nest in Browne Prairie on approximately August 1, and have begun to explore the surrounding areas.
One of the delights to see foraging on these mudflats is the Semipalmated Plover, which can be distinguished simply from its stop and go style; the bird hurriedly bustles from one point to another.
Earthen dwellings have been constructed across cultures around the world for thousands of years; building them is an enormous task. But imagine building your house on a sheer cliff face… out of mud… with your mouth.
High summer on the prairie means the warm season grasses have started a sudden march skyward. The Dickcissels know this too, and find perches of compass plant and prairie dock to commandeer their grassland domain.