In the harrier is a splendid symmetry with its environment. Its adaptations are remarkable, a physiology and suite of traits harnessed for the grassland and marshland habitat.
Around the beginning of July, I look forward to a call from Dick Nickolai, Wisconsin’s Purple Martin Biologist. Over the past six years, Madison Audubon has assisted him with banding 3,476 martins!
The song of the summer, across many summers, might be the Dickcissel. Perched on a compass plant or a conspicuous shrub, the Dickcissel belts out (and it’s always belting) its song for all to hear.
The Henslow's sparrow is a small songbird with a dull brown body and a streaked breast. Endangered in seven states and threatened in Wisconsin, the Henslow's Sparrow would seem a banner bird for grassland conservation.