Lesson Kit Request Form

Get your students excited about learning with real, hands on activities! Our education activity kits include lessons on scat, tracks, birding, and more! Our lesson and activity kits have everything you need for each interactive learning experience. If you would like to borrow a kit, just download our request form below and contact us at carolyn.byers@madisonaudubon.org .

The Fine Print:

Lesson kits are available for educators to borrow for free, though a refundable deposit may be requested. All materials will be picked up from and returned to our offices at 211 S. Paterson St., Suite 340 in Madison, WI 53703. We are typically available between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Madison Audubon Society will require borrowers to fill out an additional form prior to checking out materials. This lending form will provide details on the use and care of the kit you are borrowing, as well as the cost of replacement should the kit become damaged while in your care.

In exchange for free educational kits, please provide at least 3 photos of students enjoying your lessons (additional details in the lending form). Thank you!