Wisconsin Frogs and Toads Soundtrack - Digital Download


Wisconsin Frogs and Toads Soundtrack - Digital Download


Toads and frogs can be nearly impossible to see...but easy to hear!

Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (formerly called Madison Audubon), in collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources, created a guide to identify common Wisconsin’s frogs and toad. This 14-track collection offers a brief description of each of the 12 species of frogs and toad you’ll hear in Wisconsin, as well as recordings of the calls themselves. Two tracks feature mixed calls to help you train your ears to pick apart species.

Download a digital copy of the .mp3 audio tracks today.

*Note: this digital download does not include the written guidebook to Wisconsin Frogs & Toads, just .mp3 audio files with the name of each species and a short description, plus call variations.

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Photo by David Huth

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