Bumble bees are key pollinators, aiding fruit and seed production in native plants as well as food crops. During the summer months, their colonies reach peak size, and they forage in fields, gardens, prairies, savannas, and wetlands. Learn about the diversity, life history, and identification of bumble bees at Goose Pond, and see a variety of bee-friendly flowers, such as gray-headed coneflower, rattlesnake master, nodding onion, sunflowers, hoary vervain, white false indigo, and many others in full bloom. If you'd like, bring a camera to this field trip to capture images to upload and share.
Rain date: August 5
Note: This trip is limited to 25 people - registration is required! Please contact the MAS office (bmarsicek@madisonaudubon.org or 608-255-2473) to reserve your spot.
Led by Susan Carpenter and Maddie Dumas
Header photo by Arlene Koziol