Signature Field Trip

Filtering by: Signature Field Trip
Beginning Birders: Nine Springs (FULL)
5:30 PM17:30

Beginning Birders: Nine Springs (FULL)

This field trip is now full. Join the waiting list. Are you curious about birds but not sure how to get started? Geared specifically towards people who newer to birding or venturing out for one of the first times, we’ll identify birds together at Nine Springs.

Photo via Pixabay

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Woodcock and Snipe Walk (FULL)
6:30 PM18:30

Woodcock and Snipe Walk (FULL)

This field trip is full. Join the waiting list. Meet at the kiosk along Prairie Lane for an evening spent enjoying the unique spring displays of woodcock and snipe. Be prepared to be fascinated by the woodcock’s acrobatic flight, and to learn about the natural history of one of Aldo Leopold’s favorite birds. Binoculars are recommended.

Photo by Arlene Koziol.

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Woodcock Walk at Cherokee Marsh (FULL)
6:30 PM18:30

Woodcock Walk at Cherokee Marsh (FULL)

  • Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park - North Unit (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This field trip is now full. Join the waiting list. View the sky dance of the American Woodcock at dusk and look for Sandhill Cranes, Wilson's Snipe, Bonaparte's Gulls, and other spring migrants and arriving resident birds. Co-hosted with the Friends of Cherokee Marsh.

Photo by Sally Meier

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TRAINING: Learn to lead Birding by Ear outings
10:00 AM10:00

TRAINING: Learn to lead Birding by Ear outings

Birding by Ear is a wonderful way to experience birds without relying on sight! Join volunteers and staff affiliated with the Birding by Ear class, Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired, Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, and Aldo Leopold Nature Center for this great opportunity to advance your leadership skills.

Participants of this field trip will not learn bird songs or how to bird by ear; rather the focus will be on leading field trips to make them more accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Photo by Brenna Marsicek / SoWBA

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Habitat Diversity at Faville Grove West
7:30 AM07:30

Habitat Diversity at Faville Grove West

Experience restorations of various stages from recent plantings to a well-developed 29-year old prairie. Other habitat features of this landscape include: a shallow wetlands, open water marsh/tamarack-sphagnum bogs, woodlands, and a black oak savanna. Join us for an enjoyable hike as we discuss the site’s history, stages of restorations, bird and plant identification, and more.

Photo by Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

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Butterflies and Birds of Spring Green Preserve East (FULL)
10:00 AM10:00

Butterflies and Birds of Spring Green Preserve East (FULL)

This field trip is full. Join the waiting list. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) area in what is often called Wisconsin’s desert includes some of the state’s rarest plant communities in its sand and dry bluff prairies and black oak barrens. It hosts a diversity of unusual plants, insects, reptiles and birds. We should see cactus and, hopefully, Olympia Marble butterflies and Lark Sparrows. Co-hosted by Southern Wisconsin Butterfly Association and Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

Photo by Peter Gorman

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Spring Migration at Zeloski Marsh (FULL)
7:30 AM07:30

Spring Migration at Zeloski Marsh (FULL)

This field trip is full. Join the waiting list. Join us as we gather on Lake Mills State Wildlife Area- Zeloski Marsh with Wisconsin DNR’s Wildlife Management for a birding excursion. Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance and WDNR’s Wildlife Management have been longtime partners on this property, beginning with SoWBI’s purchase and donation of the property to the Department of Natural Resources in 2006. This contribution from SoWBA and the management by the WDNR have led to Zeloski Marsh becoming a major stopover for waterfowl, wading birds, and songbirds during spring migration.

Photo by Arlene Koziol

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Beyond Backyard Birding: Lakeshore Nature Preserve
7:30 AM07:30

Beyond Backyard Birding: Lakeshore Nature Preserve

This morning trip is especially for backyard birders looking to grow their skills! Come to have your bird questions answered and get help identifying all of those small, streaky brown birds and distant ducks! We'll also be keeping our eyes out for any exciting spring migrants! The walk will be on even trails at a leisurely pace so bring the whole family! We will have binoculars for loan.

Photo by Arlene Koziol

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Birding in Madison School Forest
7:00 AM07:00

Birding in Madison School Forest

This field trip is full. Join the waiting list. Join us as we walk the trails of this mature hardwood forest, much of which is part of the Olson Oak Woods State Natural Area, looking for a variety of migrating warblers, thrushes, tanagers, orioles, and others. There will be some up- and downhill hiking, although we will move at a leisurely pace.

Photo by Kelly Colgan Azar

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Spring Sit
5:30 PM17:30

Spring Sit

The number of different species present in a small area can be remarkable! Join us for a “sit,” where we’ll remain in one spot while looking and listening for any birds who might be in the area. This trip is designed to be intentionally inclusive and accessible for birders of all skill levels (beginners welcome!).

Photo via Pixabay

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Birding by Bike: Capital City Trail
5:30 PM17:30

Birding by Bike: Capital City Trail

Join us for an adventurous, unique way to enjoy hearing and seeing our feathered friends: Birding by bike! This field trip will involve slow to moderate-paced biking along the Capital City State Trail, starting at the McDaniel Park parking lot in McFarland, northwest across the boardwalk at Lake Waubesa, through Lake Farm County Park and ending at the ponds near the sewerage treatment plant, before turning around and heading back. We will stop at multiple points along the way to enjoy the birds we see and hear in these great natural areas. Total distance biked is approximately 7 miles.

Photo by Ruth Smith

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Evening Songscape Walk
7:00 PM19:00

Evening Songscape Walk

Join us for an evening stroll that is filled with the evening sounds of nature. Frogs, toads, and evening-active birds are calling heartily this time of year, and because each species has their own unique sound, we can identify which species are present even without seeing them.

Cover photo by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren

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Birding By Boat: Cherokee Marsh South
6:00 PM18:00

Birding By Boat: Cherokee Marsh South

  • Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park - South Unit (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join SoWBA staff and board members for a slow paddle exploring the incredible diversity of Cherokee Marsh. Get a great experience looking for spring birds, insects, and aquatic plants by boat; we expect to see species like Green Heron, Kingfishers, swallows, Sora, and more!

Photo by Brenna Marsicek/SoWBA

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Beginning Birders with the WiscoBirder
9:00 AM09:00

Beginning Birders with the WiscoBirder

Join us for an energetic field trip to Patrick Marsh Wildlife Area! This field trip is geared for all levels, and will be especially fun for entry-level birders who want to enjoy a bird outing with Dexter "The Wisco Birder" Patterson, co-founder of the BIPOC Birding Club of WI.

Photo by Dexter Patterson

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Bats and Barn Swallows
7:30 PM19:30

Bats and Barn Swallows

Join us for a summer evening to watch Barn Swallows feeding and coming into the barn to roost for the evening, and counting bats coming out for their nightly foraging! This exciting, marvelous event is part of the Wisconsin Bat Program surveys coordinated by the Wisconsin DNR; Fair Meadows has been a site for surveys for X years.

Photo by Jared Kelly FCC

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Birding by Bike
5:30 PM17:30

Birding by Bike

  • Capital City Trail Head near Turville Point Conservation Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for an adventurous, unique way to enjoy hearing and seeing our feathered friends: Birding by bike! This field trip will involve slow to moderate-paced biking with stops at multiple points along the way to enjoy the birds we see and hear in these great natural areas.

Photo by Brenna Marsicek/Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

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Night Hike at Fair Meadows Sanctuary
9:00 PM21:00

Night Hike at Fair Meadows Sanctuary

In a celebration of early summer, we'll hike the paths to listen, see, and smell the natural world on what should be a warm summer’s eve. This is the peak time of the year to see bats, glowworms and fireflies, and hear the calls of owls in the woods and the frogs, toads and night birds of the ponds and marshes. The spectacular display of fireflies at this site alone is worth the hike, and we may also get to hear the calls of coyotes nearby.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Butterflies and Wildflowers of Pleasant Valley Conservancy
10:00 AM10:00

Butterflies and Wildflowers of Pleasant Valley Conservancy

Pleasant Valley Conservancy is a beautiful state natural area situated in the Driftless Area, with steep goat prairies, oak savanna, and a large, high quality marsh. We hope to see beautiful Baltimore Checkerspots and other wetland butterflies nectaring on wonderful native plants.

Photo by Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

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Odonates! Dragonfly and Damselfly Ecology and Identification
10:00 AM10:00

Odonates! Dragonfly and Damselfly Ecology and Identification

Odonates are a fierce group of insects with highly variable coloration and habitat preferences. Dragonfly expert Bob Honig will discuss the life history and ecological importance of dragonflies and damselflies. Then we’ll explore Goose Pond’s prairies and identify as many species as we are able!

Photo by Arlene Koziol

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Exploring Erstad Prairie & Schoeneberg Marsh
9:30 AM09:30

Exploring Erstad Prairie & Schoeneberg Marsh

  • Erstad Prairie & Schoeneberg Marsh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Together, these properties provide beautiful and high quality habitats for wetland, grassland, and savanna wildlife. We'll walk though Erstad Prairie on mowed trails and then shift over to Schoeneberg Marsh which has a parking lot a half mile away. The WPA has accessible hiking (paved path and boardwalk) which terminates at an overlook with a great view of the marsh.

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Whip-poor-will Hike to Ferry Bluff
8:00 PM20:00

Whip-poor-will Hike to Ferry Bluff

Ferry Bluff is one of the prettiest places in southern Wisconsin. It is also one of the few places to consistently hear the call of the Eastern Whip-poor-will. If you miss hearing this bird on a summer night or have always wanted to hear them, then this outing is for you! Join us for a short hike to the top of Ferry Bluff where we'll sit and wait for the whip-poor-wills to sing, usually about 30 minutes after sunset.

Photo by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren

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Goose Pond Prairies: Land Trust Days
9:00 AM09:00

Goose Pond Prairies: Land Trust Days

Join us for this mostly sitting tour of Goose Pond Sanctuary's restored mesic prairies. Tallgrass prairie is one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world with less than 3% of the original area remaining. We will have a touring wagon ready to explore our trails, and there will be frequent stops to allow folks to get out and explore.

Photo by SoWBA

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Monarch Tagging
9:30 AM09:30

Monarch Tagging

Monarchs make a huge migration each year, from Wisconsin (and even further north) all the way down to their winter grounds in Mexico. It is an incredible journey, and one that scientists are still studying. This monarch tagging event, one of the most celebrated activities Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance hosts, will teach you about the amazing monarch life history, migration, and conservation needs. We will teach you how to safely catch, handle, tag, and release a monarch, all in the name of science and love of nature.

Photo by Michael Anderson

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Monarch Tagging
9:30 AM09:30

Monarch Tagging

Monarchs make a huge migration each year, from Wisconsin (and even further north) all the way down to their winter grounds in Mexico. It is an incredible journey, and one that scientists are still studying. This monarch tagging event, one of the most celebrated activities Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance hosts, will teach you about the amazing monarch life history, migration, and conservation needs. We will teach you how to safely catch, handle, tag, and release a monarch, all in the name of science and love of nature.

Photo by Kaitlin Svabek/SoWBA

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Monarch Tagging
9:30 AM09:30

Monarch Tagging

Monarchs make a huge migration each year, from Wisconsin (and even further north) all the way down to their winter grounds in Mexico. It is an incredible journey, and one that scientists are still studying. This monarch tagging event, one of the most celebrated activities Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance hosts, will teach you about the amazing monarch life history, migration, and conservation needs. We will teach you how to safely catch, handle, tag, and release a monarch, all in the name of science and love of nature.

Photo by Kaitlin Svabek / SoWBA

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Fall Prairies at Faville Grove
9:00 AM09:00

Fall Prairies at Faville Grove

Prairies in fall can be spectacularly beautiful.  On this trip you will immerse yourself in the textures, colors, sounds, and smells of fall at Faville Grove. We will meet by the Kiosk at W7480 Prairie Lane, Lake Mills, and then tour the Prairie Lane restorations and take in the fall landscape with its autumn colors including late blooming wildflowers (such as gentians, asters, and goldenrods), talk about the role of seed collecting in our restorations, and more.

Photo by Jeff Pieterick

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Beyond Backyard Birding: Cherokee Marsh North
7:30 AM07:30

Beyond Backyard Birding: Cherokee Marsh North

This morning trip is especially for backyard birders looking to grow their skills! Come to have your bird questions answered and get help identifying all of those small, streaky brown birds! We'll also be keeping our eyes out for any exciting migrants and recently fledged birds! The walk will be on even trails at a leisurely pace so bring the whole family! We will have binoculars for loan.

Photo by Arlene Koziol

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An Evening of Cemetery Birding
4:15 PM16:15

An Evening of Cemetery Birding

Did you know that cemeteries were a precursor to city parks? Starting in the early 1830s, “rural cemeteries” were established to create tranquil, beautiful settings where families could visit and commemorate their loved ones. Birdwatching quickly became one of many popular recreational activities in cemeteries.

Illustration by Kaitlin Svabek/SoWBA

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Madison Lakes Waterfowl
8:00 AM08:00

Madison Lakes Waterfowl

As winter sets in, smaller ponds and lakes in south-central Wisconsin freeze, causing migrating birds to become concentrated on Madison’s large lakes, which remain open longer. We will look for waterfowl, gulls, and winter birds. This trip has produced some unusual sightings in the past, including Red-throated Loons, so don’t miss it!

Photo by Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

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Prescribed Fire Workshop - Fire Ecology and Field Instruction (FULL)
12:30 PM12:30

Prescribed Fire Workshop - Fire Ecology and Field Instruction (FULL)

This training is designed for people with little to no prescribed fire training and experience who would like to volunteer on prescribed burns. It is also an opportunity to learn why fire is an integral part of Wisconsin’s natural communities.

Photo by Ralph Russo

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during the Birding Day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Fair Meadows Birding Days are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, except in November.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Beginners Bird Walk (FULL)
9:00 AM09:00

Beginners Bird Walk (FULL)

This field trip is now full. Join the waiting list. This field trip is designed for folks new to birding, and is family-friendly! We will explore the wonderful Cherokee Marsh North Unit, enjoying the sights and sounds of winter. We will share bird ID and talk about how to tell that bird species apart from others. This is a low-key, slow paced, no-pressure outing for beginners.

Photo by Courtney Celley/USFWS

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during the Birding Day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Fair Meadows Birding Days are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, except in November.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during the Birding Day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Fair Meadows Birding Days are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, except in November.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during the Birding Day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Fair Meadows Birding Days are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, except in November.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Winter Wonderland Hike (FULL)
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Wonderland Hike (FULL)

This field trip is full. Join the waiting list. Join us as we explore our beautiful Fair Meadows Sanctuary and State Natural Area in mid-winter. We will look and listen for birds and mammals, and enjoy the vistas of the prairies and woodlands in the quiet of the season, hopefully covered in snow. Woodpeckers, Blue Jays, Dark-eyed Juncos, and more are all expected to make an appearance. If we’re lucky, we might see otter slides and other mammal tracks!

Photo by Kelly Colgan Azar

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during the Birding Day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Fair Meadows Birding Days are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, except in November.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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New Year's Sunrise at Faville Grove
7:00 AM07:00

New Year's Sunrise at Faville Grove

  • Buddy’s Place at Faville Grove Sanctuary (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There is simply no better way to start the New Year. We will enjoy the pre-dawn light as we meander through the prairie, arriving at the Mackenzie Overlook to see the sun rise over the beautiful Faville Marsh. We will spend the early morning exploring the winter marsh and surrounding uplands.

Photo by Drew Harry

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during this monthly open house birding day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Madison Lakes Waterfowl (FULL)
8:00 AM08:00

Madison Lakes Waterfowl (FULL)

This field trip is full. Join the waiting list. As winter sets in, smaller ponds and lakes in south-central Wisconsin freeze, causing migrating birds to become concentrated on Madison’s large lakes, which remain open longer. We will look for waterfowl, gulls, and winter birds. This trip has produced some unusual sightings in the past, including Red-throated Loons, so don’t miss it!

Photo by Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

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Birding Lake Michigan
7:00 AM07:00

Birding Lake Michigan

Join us as we bird Lake Michigan and its shoreline during the migration of waterfowl through Milwaukee, Ozaukee, and Sheboygan Counties. Starting at the Texas Ave. overlook we will look for migrants such as Red-throated Loons, White-wing Scoter, Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, Red-neck Grebe, Mergansers, various wintering gulls, Peregrine Falcon, and late migrant songbirds.

Photo by Alenka Weinhold

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An Evening of Cemetery Birding (FULL)
4:00 PM16:00

An Evening of Cemetery Birding (FULL)

This field trip is full, join the waiting list. Did you know that cemeteries were a precursor to city parks? Starting in the early 1830s, “rural cemeteries” were established to create tranquil, beautiful settings where families could visit and commemorate their loved ones. Birdwatching quickly became one of many popular recreational activities in cemeteries.

Illustration by Kaitlin Svabek/SoWBA

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during the Birding Day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Fair Meadows Birding Days are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, except in November.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Birding by Bike (date correction - Oct. 9!)
4:00 PM16:00

Birding by Bike (date correction - Oct. 9!)

Join us for an adventurous, unique way to enjoy hearing and seeing our feathered friends: Birding by bike! This outing will follow the Capital City Trail from Nine Springs/Lake Farm County Park area (trailhead parking lot) west to Nevin Springs, and back. Total distance biked is approximately 8 miles.

Photo by Brenna Marsicek/Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

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Birding by Ear Meet-up
9:30 AM09:30

Birding by Ear Meet-up

  • Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park - North Unit (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Train yourself to listen for the birds rather than looking for them! Birding by Ear is a great way to practice your skills at bird ID using a totally different sense. Join Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance educator Mickenzee Okon for a trip to Cherokee Marsh - North Unit, where you will walk the paths through the woods and prairie, and learn tools, tips, and techniques for birding by ear.

Photo by Kelly Colgan Azar

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Birding by Bike
4:00 PM16:00

Birding by Bike

  • Nine Springs to Nevin Springs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for an adventurous, unique way to enjoy hearing and seeing our feathered friends: Birding by bike! This outing will follow the Capital City Trail from Nine Springs/Lake Farm County Park area (trailhead parking lot) west to Nevin Springs, and back. Total distance biked is approximately 8 miles.

Photo by Brenna Marsicek/Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during this monthly open house birding day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Fall Prairies at Faville Grove
9:00 AM09:00

Fall Prairies at Faville Grove

Prairies in fall can be spectacularly beautiful.  On this trip you will immerse yourself in the textures, colors, sounds, and smells of fall at Faville Grove. We will meet by the Kiosk at W7480 Prairie Lane, Lake Mills, and then tour the Prairie Lane restorations and take in the fall landscape with its autumn colors including late blooming wildflowers (such as gentians, asters, and goldenrods), talk about the role of seed collecting in our restorations, and more.

Photo by Jeff Pieterick

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Beyond Backyard Birding: Cherokee Marsh North (FULL)
7:30 AM07:30

Beyond Backyard Birding: Cherokee Marsh North (FULL)

This field trip is full. Join the waiting list. This morning trip is especially for backyard birders looking to grow their skills! Come to have your bird questions answered and get help identifying all of those small, streaky brown birds! We'll also be keeping our eyes out for any exciting migrants and recently fledged birds! The walk will be on even trails at a leisurely pace so bring the whole family! We will have binoculars for loan.

Photo by Arlene Koziol

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Fair Meadows Birding Day
6:00 AM06:00

Fair Meadows Birding Day

Come enjoy Fair Meadows Sanctuary during the Birding Day! This 374 acre sanctuary and State Natural Area has many trails and habitats to explore. During this Birding Day, attendees can grab a map, wipe their boots, and hit the trails independently. No guided walks are provided.

Fair Meadows Birding Days are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, except in November.

Photo by Gary Shackelford

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Swift Week: Cherokee Heights Middle School
6:30 PM18:30

Swift Week: Cherokee Heights Middle School

  • Cherokee Heights Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

New this year: In addition to Swift Night Out, the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin, the Feminist Bird Club - Madison Chapter, and Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance will also be hosting informal get togethers each evening to watch the swifts. We’re calling it Swift Week!

Photo by Brenna Marsicek/SoWBA

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Swift Week: Cherokee Heights Middle School
6:30 PM18:30

Swift Week: Cherokee Heights Middle School

  • Cherokee Heights Middle School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

New this year: In addition to Swift Night Out, the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin, the Feminist Bird Club - Madison Chapter, and Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance will also be hosting informal get togethers each evening to watch the swifts. We’re calling it Swift Week!

Photo by Brenna Marsicek/SoWBA

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