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Animal Tracks (video lesson for kids)

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Learning about animal tracks will turn you into a nature detective! When you find a footprint, you can know which animals are in your area without ever seeing them. Join Carolyn for a Facebook live lesson where you'll learn how to identify common animal tracks (coyote, deer, turkey, squirrel, rabbit, etc). We'll also talk about how to read a set of tracks to learn about what an animal was up to. You'll get ideas about a fun track activity using only a bucket of water and the sidewalk. Bring your nature journal if you'd like to join in on 8-minute notes!

To tune in live, visit Madison Audubon’s Facebook page on June 10, 12:30pm CT and wait for the live feed to start. Can’t attend live? No worries, we will post links to the recordings here afterwards.

Photo by Joshua Mayer