Bumblebees are crucial for the pollination of many of our native plants and agricultural crops. Jade Kochanski, bumblebee expert and researcher at UW Madison's Gratton Lab, will discuss the life history, ecological importance, and conservation efforts regarding these charismatic pollinators. We’ll explore Goose Pond’s prairies and identify as many bumblebee species as we are able. In 2019, we found the federally endangered rusty-patched bumblebee and we hope to see this species again. Short range binoculars and small cameras will be useful tools to bring, if you wish.
FIELD TRIP LEADER: Graham Steinhauer (gsteinhauer@madisonaudubon.org, 608-333-2947) and Jade Kochanski
RAIN DATE: July 25, 9:30-11:30am
Trail grade and #/type of trail impediments are ok for those with difficulty walking or wearing children in packs
Field trip leader is adept at birding by ear and able to accommodate those with visual impairments
We follow the CDC guidelines in place at the time of the field trip.
All of our field trip leaders are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
We strongly encourage all participants to be fully vaccinated.
Children are welcome to attend, and required to wear masks when within 6’ of individuals not in their household.
RSVP REQUIRED? YES, participation limited to 12 individuals. Register below!
Cover photo by Arlene Koziol