Year-round movements of Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus) wintering in Wisconsin
Neil Paprocki, University of Idaho
January 8, 7-8 PM, online (Zoom: link here)
Co-hosted by Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance and Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition
From 2021-2022, nine GPS transmitters were attached to wintering Rough-legged Hawks in Wisconsin, including two sponsored by Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (learn about them here: Many of these transmitters are still functioning and have provided multiple years of full annual cycle movements.
Come learn about the year-round movements of Rough-legged Hawks wintering in the great state of Wisconsin, and how these nine birds fit into the broader Rough-legged Hawk Project that has tracked nearly 200 hawks throughout North America.
Link to the Jan. 8 Zoom presentation:
About the speaker:
Neil Paprocki recently completed his PhD at the University of Idaho studying differential migration in birds. Neil has been a professional ornithologist for 17 years and has been working with Rough-legged Hawks for nearly 15 years.
Cover photo: Rough-legged Hawk by Phil Brown