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View the sky dance of the American Woodcock at dusk and look for Sandhill Cranes, Wilson's Snipe, Bonaparte's Gulls, and other spring migrants and arriving resident birds. Meet in the parking area at the end of the gravel road. Co-hosted with the Friends of Cherokee Marsh.
FIELD TRIP LEADER: Tony Kalenic and Timothy Baker
Trail grade and #/type of trail impediments are ok for those with difficulty walking or wearing children in packs
Field trip leader is adept at birding by ear and can accommodate those with visual impairments
Read more about this location on the Birdability Map: Cherokee Marsh North Unit
RSVP REQUIRED? The event will be capped at around 30 participants.
Waiting list:
Sponsored by Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance and Friends of Cherokee Marsh
Cover photo of an American Woodcock on a nest by Sally Meier.