Experience restorations of various stages from recent plantings to a well-developed 29-year old prairie. Other habitat features of this landscape include: a shallow wetlands, open water marsh/tamarack-sphagnum bogs, woodlands, and a black oak savanna. Join us for an enjoyable hike as we discuss the site’s history, stages of restorations, bird and plant identification, and more. Parking is located along Highway 89 at Buddy’s old farmstead.
Questions? Contact Brenna Marsicek, bmarsicek@swibirds.org or 608-255-2473
FIELD TRIP LEADERS: Roger Packard, David Musolf, and Jeff Steele
RAIN/SNOW DATE: Sunday, April 27
Field trip leader is adept at birding by ear and can accommodate those with visual impairments
RSVP REQUIRED? Yes, participation is limited to 12 people.
Register here!
Cover image: SoWBA