Help birds: bring cats inside

What a lovely weekend of bird songs and sightings... We are getting excited for our Great Wisconsin Birdathon this Thursday!

All of us at Madison Audubon are animal lovers, and have our own cats and dogs that we could not live without. But science has shown us that free-roaming cats can be a major danger for birds, including those especially bright and colorful passing migrants.

An awesome Catio, with tons of great pictures and tips to make your own. Courtesy of DIY in PDX.

An awesome Catio, with tons of great pictures and tips to make your own. Courtesy of DIY in PDX.

Want to help? Try bringing your outdoor cat indoors! It’s an act of love that will help your cat live a happier, safer, and longer life. (Plus, they can always get their fix during nice cat walks and in cat patios—yes, catios are a thing!)

The Madison Audubon staff will be out all day Thursday for Birdathon—counting all the species we can find (our goal is 125!) and raising money to address threats to migratory birds. We hope you'll support us and our migratory bird protection work.

Learn more about Madison Audubon’s Birdathon team, All About Aves, and donate at Your donation helps make Wisconsin a better place for birds.


Cover photo by Kelly Colgan Azar