
2023 Christmas Bird Count Results: South-Central Wisconsin

Southern Wisconsin is full of bird enthusiasts. So it’s no surprise that each year, this part of the state turns out a great set of Christmas Bird Counts. In 2023, 12 counts were done within the BBA chapter area (which encompasses 10 counties), coordinated independently and made possible by dedicated, excellent volunteers. Below are the results of the 2023 Christmas Bird Counts in our area.

Thank you to everyone involved for sharing your time, energy, and enthusiasm for birds!

Photo by Courtney Celley/USFWS

2022 Christmas Bird Count Results: South-Central Wisconsin

Southern Wisconsin is full of bird enthusiast. So it’s no surprise that each year, this part of the state turns out a great set of Christmas Bird Counts. In 2022, 10 counts were done within the Madison Audubon chapter area (which encompasses 10 counties), coordinated independently and put on by excellent volunteers. Below are the results of the most recent Christmas Bird Counts in our area.

Photo by Mick Thompson

Christmas Bird Count Results: South-Central Wisconsin

You may have read about the results of the Madison-area Christmas Bird Count in this recent blog post, but the Christmas Bird Count is much, much bigger! In south-central Wisconsin (inside Madison Audubon’s chapter boundaries) alone, nine CBC counts were held in 2021, led by great coordinators, populated by dedicated birders, and documented thousands of birds that we wanted to bring them all together into one place.

Photo by Monica Hall

That's a Wrap: Madison-area Christmas Bird Count 2021

The results from this year include a lot of typical species we see in mid-December, as well as a couple of pleasant surprises and a couple of eye-brow raisers. Below is the list for the birds seen and effort data from the 2021 Madison-area Christmas Bird Count.

Photo by Paul Noeldner

Madison-area CBC: 2020 Results

Madison-area CBC: 2020 Results

We thought there would be low volunteer turn out because of COVID-19, and therefore less of an ability to cover a wide area in search of birds. And yet, bird-lovers persevered and the count was completed successfully and safely, and we saw LOTS of birds! Nearly 175 volunteers helped scour the Madison-area for birds, and an incredible 97 species were documented, plus an additional 4 species in the 3 days before or after (a period called Count Week). Many of the area captains noted they saw the greatest diversity of birds this year than ever before, and that 97 species total ties the record for diversity in Madison, set in 2017.

Photo by by Aaron Maizlish