citizen science

Gold Medal Volunteers: Mary, Kelley, & Ginni

Mary was at my door, letting me know the nest was indeed down. Having no idea what we might find, Mary and I made our way through the jungle of the marsh area that had two fallen nests, parts of the nest tree along with many other downed trees. And there in front of us, the two eaglets were sitting on top of the fallen debris.

Photo by Beth Berger Martin

A season for science

A season for science

From the August 2022 Newsletter: The Goose Pond Sanctuary team highlights two awesome citizen science efforts, surveying frogs and toads plus Purple Martin banding.

Photo by Kaitlin Svabek/Madison Audubon.

The heart of citizen science

The heart of citizen science

From the August 2022 Newsletter: Brenna Marsicek, director of communications and outreach, shares an update on our programs: Bald Eagle Nest Watch, Kestrel Nest Box Monitoring, and Bird Collision Corps.

Photo by Kaitlin Svabek/Madison Audubon.

The wolf is not at this door?

The wolf is not at this door?

Monday was a fun day at Goose Pond, one of the first days of seed collecting. The target species was wild lupine. Volunteers collected at Goose Pond and the Erstad Prairie, Madison Audubon’s land adjacent to the Schoenberg Waterfowl Production Area, north and east of Goose Pond.

Photo by Joshua Mayer