
How do I handle a bird nest in an inconvenient spot?

How do I handle a bird nest in an inconvenient spot?

Remember: “If you find a nest, leaving it alone is best!” And required—it is against the law to remove or destroy a nest if there are eggs in it or if young birds depend upon it for survival, under the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Photo via Pixabay

Into the Nest: Remember how beautiful eggs are?

Into the Nest: Remember how beautiful eggs are?

It's been a little bit since we've peeked Into the Nest of grassland birds. But not because of a lack of interesting stuff to talk about! We are working on a run down of everyone's favorite topic: poop; you won't want to miss the upcoming post on fecal sacs.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on these awesome eggs. The size, shape, color pattern are all unique to the species they come from. Learn more about how grassland birds lay their clutch of beautiful eggs in our Into the Nest post from May 31: There is nothing so beautiful as a bird's egg.

Artwork by Carolyn Byers