nest box

How do I handle a bird nest in an inconvenient spot?

How do I handle a bird nest in an inconvenient spot?

Remember: “If you find a nest, leaving it alone is best!” And required—it is against the law to remove or destroy a nest if there are eggs in it or if young birds depend upon it for survival, under the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Photo via Pixabay

One of these is not like the others

One of these is not like the others

North America’s smallest falcon, the American kestrel, is getting a leg-up in south-central Wisconsin. Four orphaned kestrel chicks were discovered and brought in for rehabilitation, and placed into foster kestrel nests that allowed the chicks to be raised by wild mothers with nestlings their own age. This effort was done in partnership between Madison Audubon, Central Wisconsin Kestrel Research program, and Dane County Humane Society’s Wildlife Center.

Madison Audubon photo