native garden

Backyard habitats are growing!

Lots of people in the Madison area are making their gardens a beautiful, vibrant landscape while supporting birds, bees, butterflies, and other native wildlife!

The native plant sale that we put on with Holy Wisdom Monastery, SOS Save Our Songbirds, and Johnson’s Nursery in Menominee Falls was a huge success! Not just in terms of dollars but equally and even better in terms of number of bird- and insect-supporting native plants that have found their way into yards in Southern Wisconsin as a result.

Photo by Mary Dummert

Help birds: go natural in your yard!

Help birds: go natural in your yard!

The migrating birds we love are back in Wisconsin! We share the land—and our backyards and balconies—with these weary, exhausted travelers. Migrating birds fly hundreds and thousands of miles, and it is essential to protect and create areas where they can rely on nutritious food to refuel on their long journey.

Consider making spaces near your home homey for birds too. There are a variety of ways to do this, including keeping natural shorelines, planting native plants, or setting up proper bird feeders when outdoor space is limited.

Photo by Linda, Fortuna future