Bird & Nature Blog

Update: MAS continues to advocate for the appropriate use of the SPRA land

Madison Audubon has been working extensively with the DNR to create a master plan for the appropriate use of the Sauk Prairie Recreation Area (SPRA). The SPRA was founded in deep historic roots. Over the years, the land was cultivated for various activities. Currently, Madison Audubon is working with the DNR to utilize this land for conservation purposes. The idea is to provide a natural habitat for various bird and wildlife species. In order to fullfill this vision, we're trying to reach a mutual agreement on the best practices for the land. Please read our latest report to the DNR: November 28th Report: Advocacy Letter

To view the full revised Master Plan: Sauk Prairie Recreation Area Master Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (draft) 

If you're interested in becoming an advocate, the Natural Resources Board will be meeting at December 14, 2016 in Madison: DNR Board Meeting Info

Photography by DNR

Photography by DNR

MAS reviews Badger Army Ammo Plant master plan

A view of the Badger Army Ammunition Plant grounds from the southeast. Photo from WI DNR webpage.

A view of the Badger Army Ammunition Plant grounds from the southeast. Photo from WI DNR webpage.

The Badger Army Ammunition Plant, located just south of Devil's Lake State Park in south central Wisconsin, was the largest munitions plant in the world during World War II. It was decommissioned in 1997, the buildings since then demolished and the land remediated for its new owners. Much of the land is now restored prairie.

The 7,000+ acres is now part of the Sauk Prairie Recreation Area, and will be maintained by three owners: the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Ho-Chunk Nation, and Dairy Forage Research Center. A master plan for DNR-designated land has been drafted, revised, and is now available for public review.

Madison Audubon Society's Advocacy Committee is reviewing the draft master plan and will provide the DNR with feedback on best management practices for protecting grassland birds and the opportunities and challenges facing a restoration of critical habitats (oak openings and prairies). The DNR Board meets on December 14, 2016 in Madison to discuss the plan and gather feedback - public participation is welcome.

Access the Sauk Prairie Recreation Area Master Plan and Environmental Impact Statement here.