When the temperature drops significantly like this, what’s the impact on birds? Read more here to learn how birds survive the cold, and figure out if they need help.
Photo by Kaitlin Svabek
Charles Carlin and our good friends at Gathering Waters are fighting the good fight to preserve the Knowles Nelson Stewardship Program. Click here to read the latest update from their team. You'll recall how an anonymous member of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) was destroying the Pelican River conservation project in NE Wisconsin. The linked article shows that JFC did not even follow its own bad rules and that Governor Evers might have the chance to save the project.
Photo by Joshua Mayer
The faithful six readers of this blog know that one of my perennial concerns has been the threats facing the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program. The most insidious of these is the power the Joint Finance Committee has exercised. Currently, any member of the Joint Finance Committee can anonymously stop any Stewardship grant that comes before the Committee without stating any reason and without any public hearing on that action.
Charles Carlin of Gathering Waters offers an effective description of the latest abuse of power by some JFC member. That legislator has stopped the Pelican River conservation/timber easement of 70,000 acres in northeast Wisconsin.
Photo by Joshua Mayer
The Wildlife Society has a great article on the Recovering America's Wildlife Act (RAWA) and the need for Congress to pass it before the end of the year. The bill is broadly (and fervently) supported by dozens of local, regional, and national conservation organizations. Contact your senators today!
Photo via Pixabay