Friday Feathered Feature

Poynette CBC's Black-legged Kittiwake

Poynette CBC's Black-legged Kittiwake

The 51st Poynette Christmas Bird Count, coordinated by Susan Foote-Martin and Mark Martin, was held on New Year’s Eve 2022. Ten feeder counters, plus three dozen field counters—who walked 19 miles and drove 488 miles—found 68 species and 10,183 birds.

Photo by Mick Thompson

The Rough-legged Hawk Project

The Rough-legged Hawk Project

Neil Paprocki, PhD candidate at the University of Idaho and part of the Rough-legged Hawk Project, returned to Wisconsin again in 2022 to attach transmitters sponsored by Sue Kaehler, Kelly Centofanti, and Madison Audubon to more hawks.

Photo by Neil Paprocki

2022 Madison-area CBC results

2022 Madison-area CBC results

Each December, birders come together for the longest-running citizen science project in the US: the Christmas Bird Count. The national effort is coordinated by National Audubon Society, but there are thousands of counts done locally, coordinated by local birders. In the Madison-area, the count is coordinated by Madison Audubon, and put on with help from over 100 volunteers each year.

Photo by Arlene Koziol