Freewill FAQs

A resolution to take care of all that you love

Are you still working on your New Year’s Resolutions? My top resolution is one that I hope I share with all Madison Audubon’s members: to enjoy more birds. This resolution is both pandemic-proof and a pandemic antidote. But, there are also ways to resolve to protect birds as well—both now and well into the future.  

An estate plan secures your long-term vision, protects your loved ones, and—if you choose—can make a generational impact on Wisconsin’s birds and lands. And it does not have to be complicated. Madison Audubon has partnered with Freewill, a free online tool that can help you complete this resolution with ease today.

Are you curious about Freewill but still have questions? Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about using Freewill. You can also read about my own experience using Freewill here. If these answers don’t satisfy your curiosity, please feel free to reach out to me at 608-255-2473 x5 or

Thank you for your love for birds, nature, and planning ahead!

Becky Abel
Director of Philanthropy
Madison Audubon

Cover image by Mick Thompson

Can anyone use Freewill?

Yes. Our members care about the future and we believe that everyone should be able to shape the future for their kids and the issues and places they care about-- even beyond their lifetimes. Anyone can access Freewill through our website. Users will be given an option of supporting the nonprofits they care about, but there is no requirement to do so to use the free tool.


How long does Freewill take to complete?

It takes 20 minutes to an hour to complete the online forms. After that, you simply print the forms and take them to a notary for signing.


Are there people who should NOT use Freewill?

Yes. Freewill is simple and straightforward, but it is not recommended for people who have complicated estates.


I would like to include Madison Audubon in my estate planning, but I want to remain anonymous. Is that possible with Freewill?

Yes. Freewill does allow people to name nonprofits in their estate plan and stay anonymous to the organization. The nonprofit will receive notice that they were named in someone’s will.


I would like to include Madison Audubon in my estate planning, but I don’t want them to know the size of my estate. Is that possible?

Yes. It is possible to designate either a dollar amount or a percentage of estate amount when identifying beneficiaries.


I have already completed a will and have named Madison Audubon as one of my beneficiaries. Do I have to also complete Freewill?

Absolutely not. Freewill is simply a tool that people can use who don’t have a will and seek the simplicity of an online tool. However, we would love to hear from you if you have named us in your will, which you can do by filling out the Outside Bequest Tool in Freewill here or by contacting Becky Abel at or 608-255-2473 x5. This allows us to thank you, recognize you if you want, and welcome you to our Kestrel Legacy Circle.


What is the Kestrel Legacy Circle and how is it different from Freewill?

The Kestrel Legacy Circle includes members who have named Madison Audubon in their will or estate, whether through Freewill or an outside source. Membership in the Kestrel Legacy Circle is voluntary and non-binding and can be anonymous. We are deeply inspired by our members who have made a legacy commitment to birds and we welcome the chance to get to know them better and through special experiences with birds and at our sanctuaries.


I would like to be included in the Kestrel Legacy Circle. The special events sound fun, and I know that my name on the list might inspire others to give. But is there a minimum amount that I am required to designate in order to be included?

Absolutely not! Madison Audubon considers it an honor to be included in your estate plans—whether it will be $500 or $500,000! The Kestrel Legacy Circle allows us to recognize people who care so deeply about our mission that they want to support us beyond their lifetimes. That is a huge gift to birds--whatever the amount.

How do I get started?

There are three different ways you can begin using the Freewill service—all at no cost to you!

I still have questions!

You can contact Becky Abel, Director of Philanthropy with questions about estate planning, Freewill, the Kestrel Legacy Circle, or all three! Email: | Phone: 608-255-2473 x5.

Two monarch taggers stroll through the prairie in search of butterflies. Photo by Madison Audubon

Two monarch taggers stroll through the prairie in search of butterflies. Photo by Madison Audubon