Tundra swans in flight, Arlene Koziol
The current administration is attempting to roll back major protections laid out in the 100+ year old Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), the most important bird protection law in the U.S. The administration is seeking to ease regulations on incidental take that will utterly dismantle existing protections. The changes will allow industries and corporations to kill untold numbers of protected birds without any legal penalty because they can claim they didn't intend to kill them. It's an egregious and unprecedented attack on our birds.
From the US Fish and Wildlife Service website: A draft Environmental Impact Statement as it relates to the to the scope of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is now available for public review and comment through July 20, 2020. This is the next step in a public process on adopting a regulation that defines the scope of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Please act, our birds need your help!
Provide comments against this rollback, and rather in support of responsible corporate behavior. Visit this website and click the blue "Comment Now!" box.
Thank you!