backyard habitat

Happy New Year (unless you're a backyard rabbit...)

Winter is a tough time in my neighborhood, in part because of me. Several times a night my neighbors see my backyard light go on, hear my backdoor banging, and, in a few moments, my pleading with Philly and Peggy, my two noble dogs, to please come back in and LEAVE IT. IT is the real source of the problem, one of my backyard rabbits. The light and noise are to warn the rabbits that the dogs are being let out. The pleading is to stop the dogs from chasing the rabbits.

Paintings by Sally Probasco

Lookin' Out My Backdoor

So went the advice of Creedence Clearwater Revival (admit it, some of you remember the band) and it's applicable today. Most of are and should be at home most of the time. Our bird friends are there too. You never know what you're going to see to amuse, inspire, or awe you unless you take the time to look.

In my front, side, and back yards, the stars this spring have been the cardinals. Two males and a female have been foraging and chasing one another. They can really fly through tight spaces. Some chickadees are sparing me some arduous clean up. I had about a three foot, rotting stump of an apple tree and decided that a year of procrastination was enough. The stump had to go. But a pair of chickadees started work on it just a couple of days ago. They are preparing a nest? Feeding on insects? Who cares, the stump is theirs for as long as they want it.

Photo by Mr.TinDC, FCC