
Still a "No" for Sandhill Crane hunt

Still a "No" for Sandhill Crane hunt

As a hunter, angler, and conservationist, I stand with Madison Audubon against the Sandhill Crane hunt. The reasons are numerous, and you can read them in my previous post here, but make no mistake: they are informed both by sound science and by a love of cranes.

Bruce Ross, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association (WWA), recently replied to my blog on a hunting season on Sandhill Cranes, and argued that hunters and non-hunters should support such a season.

Well, that was throwing a fly to a hungry trout so I rise to the bait.

Photo by Arlene Koziol

Sandhill Crane hunting: view from a hunter

Sandhill Crane hunting: view from a hunter

On Tuesday, the State Senate will take up a package of bills proposed by a variety of Republican legislators with the alleged purpose of promoting hunting and fishing in Wisconsin. Before you read another word, please find your legislators here and prepare to contact them ASAP.

Photo by Arlene Koziol

ACTION ALERT: Sandhill Crane Hunt Hearing

Being an iconic Wisconsin bird species and an amazing conservation success story is not enough to protect Sandhill Cranes.

A package of bills that include a variety of hunting-related proposals is being fast-tracked for consideration by the Wisconsin State Assembly. One of the bills would legalize and establish a Sandhill Crane hunting season.

The public hearing is Tuesday, October 19, and your legislators need to hear from you NOW.

Photo by Monica Hall

Mom, Mike, Moon, and Mallards

Many of you reading this have fond memories of being introduced to birding, hiking, gardening, hunting, or fishing by your parents and those must be fond memories. But many of us had parents who had no interest in outdoor activities, physically could not participate in them, or were working so hard they had no time for them. Some of those parents, though, recognized that, for Lord knows what reason, their child wanted to watch birds or fish or camp, etc. They'd make special arrangements so their children could have those opportunities. I will always remember and cherish the memories of my Mom giving up afternoons to take me fishing.

Photo by Arlene Koziol