mother's day

Wild Moms Who Mostly Don't Need Our Help (and Some Who Do)

On May 6 of this year, I was approaching a most gorgeous run and riffle on Gordon Creek with thoughts of trout dancing in my head when a flapping dervish burst out from the bank. A hen wood duck was doing her best "Oh I'm wounded! Chase me, fiendish predator! And leave my babies alone" routine. On she flapped through the riffle, the run, and the nice section upstream for good measure. Is she crazy, I thought, it's way too early for wood ducklings to have hatched. Someone had not explained the calendar to the 6 or 7 tiny ducklings that stuck their heads out of the bank. I left the water to her and the babes and retreated downstream. Goose Pond's Mark Martin confirmed this is indeed an early hatching of wood ducks.

Photo by Kelly Colgan Azar