
A tale of two paddlers

A tale of two paddlers

Two months ago, I made my first trip to Madison Audubon's Otsego Marsh property (click here for a map) just northeast of Goose Pond Sanctuary. Never heard of it? You're not alone; it's a hidden gem. And now, I can't stay away!

If you haven't made it out there yet this summer, we invite you to visit. It's free, open to all, and an easy drive. There's a parking lot, a hiking trail through the woods, easy put-in locations for canoes and kayaks, and best of all, it's the site of our latest land purchase.

Madison Audubon photo

Three Friendly B's

Three Friendly B's

The harvest season has begun in earnest at our house with a quick flurry of honeyberries followed by the start of the juneberry and raspberry seasons with a few pie cherries thrown in for good luck.

I must start with a thank you to the bumblebees. As far as I can tell, they are the only pollinators of honeyberries and the principal pollinator of the raspberries. I'm not as sure about the juneberries but they probably help there too.

Photo by Hirotomo Oi